Where We’re Meant To Be – film update!

Well, it’s official, we have investors! Budget allocations are going in place and I’ve chosen the cinematographer and line producer for the film so far. It’s early days for pre-production yet the foundation of the film is starting off very strongly and will only grow from here. Check out the Facebook page for details and “like” it if you’ve not yet done so to keep up with updates.

Click here!

The Rusty Bucket Kids Casting

I’ve signed the deal memo and can now announce that I’ve been cast in the Emmy-nominated kids show The Rusty Bucket Kids. I’ll be co-starring in an upcoming episode as Henry David Thoreau. The announcement from their page:

Let me introduce you to Michael Howard. Michael is playing the role of Henry David Thoreau. Michael is not just a talented actor, but Michael is another reason why producing in North Carolina is still a great idea. So Michael runs the indie film company Invisible Productions. He has directed features, shorts, and documentaries. While still acting in television and film. Michael’s films have screened and won awards throughout the United States and worldwide. He’s also a writer, editor, and cinematographer and has been the official documentarian for the Vail Film Festival in Colorado since 2007. Did we mention we need lots of cereal on set? Yes Michael loves cereal, now let’s see which kind. Please welcome our man Michael as Henry David Thoreau.

You can check in on their page for progress here.

Flickr Photos

I’ve updated some of my Flickr photos. You can always access them from the menu above. Click here to see an assortment of my still photography.

Beyond the Blue Documentary

Here’s the trailer for the Beyond the Blue documentary I am featured in with eleven other NC filmmakers. It’ll be released soon, check a few updates back for details and webpage links.

Next Feature Film

My next feature film is officially in pre-production. Filming begins Spring of 2015!


I quit medicine over a decade ago to be in film and have now played a doctor of some sort for the fourth time. This is me behind the scenes of a short film I acted in this weekend called Amnesia.

Beyond the Blue

I was interviewed last year for a documentary called “Beyond the Blue” that focuses on filmmakers from North Carolina. It was great to be chosen and I hopefully had some good things to contribute. They recently released a photo and quote from my interview. Can’t wait to see the whole thing.

“If you don’t take chances then you’ll never know your strengths and weaknesses. And how to use them.”

You can keep up with the documentary here.

Sci-Fi Film

I was cast in a Sci-fi film recently and went in for the clothing fitting today and then did a voiceover for the teaser trailer. You can be happy that I will not have a skin tight outfit in the film.

Like us!

Make sure to “like” the Invisible Productions Facebook page as more frequent updates for Where We’re Meant To Be are happening over there.

Click here!